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IAMDocumentConfigurableWorkflow interface

This interface for AMDocument objects is used to manage the workflow definition-type workflows. Document workflow functionality is only available when Work Isolation Mode has been disabled. This interface applies to the predefined workflow states and transitions available in workflow definitions. For document type workflow, the IAMDocumentWorkflow interface should be used.

 Name Description

AssignManagers method

Assigns workflow manager(s) to the document

AssignToDoPersons method

Assigns To Do persons to the document

AvailableTransitions method

Gets the collection of available workflow transition objects.

CreateNewRevision method

Creates new revision of the document without executing a transition.

ExecuteTransition method

Executes specified workflow transition.

ExpectedTransitionResult property

The expected result of the specified transition. Can be one of the WORKFLOW_TRANSITION_RESULT_constants.

Managers property

Returns workflow managers for the document

Migrate method

Migrates the document to a new workflow definition. The primary purpose of the method is to provide a way for migration of the documents in document type workflow to newly created workflow definitions.

RerouteToState method

Reroutes the document to the specified state without execution a transition (that may not even exist).

RevokeWorkflow method

Revokes the document from workflow

StatusText property

Current status text of the document.

TodoAction property

The To Do action text for the document

ToDoPersons property

Returns To Do persons of the document.

WorkflowDef property

Current workflow definition of the document.

WorkflowState property

Current workflow state of the document.

Related information

IAMDocumentWorkflow interface